Benefits of adding Bee Pollen to your Pets Diet

Benefits of adding Bee Pollen to your Pets Diet

Bee pollen doesn’t just benefit honey bees, this supplement can support the health of your dog.

Bee pollen is a product of bees that’s still widely misunderstood, but has been recommended by nutritionists as a human dietary supplement for decades. This nutrient-dense powerhouse supplement is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, protein and fats – and it’s a great dietary addition for both humans and their canine companions. bee pollen contains more protein than any animal source and more amino acids than equal weight of eggs or beef.  It has one of the most complete nutritional profiles in the world, made up of 35% protein and 50% carbohydrates. It’s also high in chromium, cobalt, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron, folic acid, and more! 

Bee Pollen is gathered by foraging bees and mixed with nectar and bee saliva.  The bees then pack into a granule that adheres to their back legs, and return it to the hive where it’s used to feed the colony.

The quality of pollen varies by location, plant source and weather.  Its a good idea to know where the bee collect the pollen, because in the mainland, it’s not uncommon for pesticides and/or heavy metals to influence the quality of the pollen.  The Big Island of Hawaii has limited agriculture activity and is free of GMO Crops.

The health benefits of bee pollen are numerous. Antioxidants of flavanol, resveratrol and lycopene found in bee pollen, along with vitamins A, B, C, K and E help to ward off infections by strengthening your dogs ability to overcome or prevent inflammation while regenerating the cells.

Bee Pollen also contains a variety of fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are the most predominate of these – approximately 70% of which are Omega-3 fatty acids (Alpha-linolenic acid) and 5% Omega-6 (linoleic acid), which is necessary for growth in dogs. The remaining percentage is monounsaturated and saturated fats.

Nearly a dozen major enzymes and several thousand minor enzymes and co-enzymes in bee pollen help with food digestion and absorption of nutrients while regulating the immune system.

Reasons to supplement your dog’s diet with Bee Pollen.

You should consider adding bee pollen to your dog’s daily meals:

  • It’s hepatoprotective – It protects and promotes a healthy liver, and assists in the healing process for a compromised liver. This makes it a good option for dogs who need to detox.
  • It improves muscle mass.
  • It boosts metabolism.
  • Allergy protection – Bee pollen contains Quercetin, a natural antihistamine. When taken regularly, it can help reduce allergy symptoms and allergic reactions.
  • It’s anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.
  • Improves blood flow to the nervous system helping to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • It contains trans-cinnamic acid, which is a natural antibiotic.
  • It’s alkaline – Bee pollen balances the overall pH in the body promoting a healthy urinary tract.
  • It contains the plant pigment rutin, which offers cardiovascular support. This helps strengthens blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Bee Pollen contains more amino acids than beef, fish or eggs.
  • As part of a daily diet, bee pollen can improve moisture in the skin which in turn can speed healing of wounds.
  • It supports and can improve digestion via anti-microbial properties that rid the GI tract of invading pathogens.

Bee pollen can be added daily to your dog’s food. The recommended dose for a 50 lb dog is 1 teaspoon per day. Start with 1/3 dose, and gradually increase to ensure he doesn’t have a sensitivity. 

Tags: Bee Pollen, Hawaiian Queen Bees, Propolis

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